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Spondylus by Charles Delahaye Panopea by Jean Charles Chenu Dentalium by Menard and Georg A Goldfuss Tridacna by Jean Charles Chenu Dentalium by Jean Gabriel Pretre Vermetus by Jean Gabriel Pretre Serpula by Georg A Goldfuss

Amphibian Illustration

European Lizards and Newts by Johann Daniel Meyer Frontis of Historia Naturalis Ranarum Nostratium by ArtistAugust Johann Roesel von Rosenhof Frontis of Historia naturalis Ranarum nostratium by August Johann Roesel von Rosenhof Snakes and frogs of Costa Rica by T Sinclair Snakes and Frogs of Costa Rica by T Sinclair Frogs of Costa Rica by T Sinclair Fire Salamander Anatomy by Christian Leopold Mueller

Bird Illustrations

Rufous-webbed Brilliant Hummingbird Heliodoxa branickii by John and Elizabeth Gould Blue-capped Puffleg Hummingbird Eriocnemis glaucopoides by John and Elizabeth Gould Green-fronted Hummingbird Amazilia viridifrons by John and Elizabeth Gould Brazilian Ruby Hummingbird Clytolaema rubricauda by John and Elizabeth Gould Peruvian Racket-Tail Hummingbird Spathura peruana by John and Elizabeth Gould White-browed Sparrow-weaver and Grass or Bush Warbler by J D L Franz Wagner White-browed Sparrow-weaver and Grass or Bush Warbler by J D L Franz Wagner

Reptile Illustrations

European Grass Snake by Johann Daniel Meyer European Adder by Johann Daniel Meyer European Adder Skeleton by Johann Daniel Meyer European Adder by Johann Daniel Meyer Tegu by Philippe Schmid European Grass Snake Skeleton by Johann Daniel Meyer European Lizards and Newts by Johann Daniel Meyer

Mammal Illustrations

Oribi, a small African Antelope by J D L Franz Wagner Oribi, a small African Antelope by J D L Franz Wagner Four-toed Elephant Shrew by J D L Franz Wagner Four-toed Elephant Shrew by J D L Franz Wagner Sundevall's Roundleaf Bat, Hipposideros caffer by C H Haas African Shrews by J D L Franz Wagner Sundevall's Roundleaf Bat by A Andorff

Osteology & Anatomy

European Adder Skeleton by Johann Daniel Meyer Spondylus by Charles Delahaye European Grass Snake Skeleton by Johann Daniel Meyer European Lizards and Newts by Johann Daniel Meyer African Mammal skulls by Hugo Troschel African Mammal skulls by Hugo Troschel Skulls of the Common Duiker and Oribi by J D L Franz Wagner

Insects and other Arthropods

Insects, plate III by Antoine Sonrel African termites and their anatomy by W Wagenschieber African Bugs and Insects by W Wagenschieber African Flies by W Wagenschieber African Ants by W Wagenschieber African Beetles, including Dung Beetles by W Wagenschieber Termites, Macrotermes bellicosus by H Hagen

Frontis pieces

Frontis of Historia Naturalis Ranarum Nostratium by ArtistAugust Johann Roesel von Rosenhof Frontis of Historia naturalis Ranarum nostratium by August Johann Roesel von Rosenhof Frontis to Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici application by Joseph Anton Zimermann

Astronomy & Physics Illustrations

Plate 3 from Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici applicati by Joseph Anton Zimermann Plate 2 from Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici applicati by Joseph Anton Zimermann Plate 1 from Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici applicati by Joseph Anton Zimermann Frontis to Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici application by Joseph Anton Zimermann

Landscapes and Geology

1804 View of Tenerife by J B Bory de Saint Vincent 1804 Aerial view of Piton de la Fournaise by J B Bory de Saint-Vincent


Map of the voyage to explore Islands in the Seas of Africa by J B Bory de Saint-Vincent


Taper tip Hawksbeard, Crepis acuminate by Antoine Sonrel

Reptile Photographs

Green Iguana, Iguana iguana by Breck Bartholomew Marine Iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus by Breck Bartholomew Marine Iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus by Breck Bartholomew Striped Whipsnake, Masticophis taeniatus by Breck Bartholomew Western Yellow-bellied Racer, Coluber constrictor by Breck Bartholomew Chuckwalla, Sauromalus ater by Breck Bartholomew Chuckwalla, Sauromalus ater by Breck Bartholomew

Amphibian Photographs

Cane Toad by Breck Bartholomew Cane Toad by Breck Bartholomew Cane Toad by Breck Bartholomew Cane Toad by Breck Bartholomew

Insect photography

African Butterflies by W Wagenschieber Termites, Macrotermes bellicosus by H Hagen Stink Bug by Breck Bartholomew Stink Bug by Breck Bartholomew Stink bug by Breck Bartholomew Stink Bug by Breck Bartholomew

Nature Photography

Cat on a puzzle by Lois Bartholomew Skeletal man walking his dinosaur statue by Breck Bartholomew Wang Lang Nature Reserve, China by Breck Bartholomew Jiuzhaigou National Park, China by Breck Bartholomew Jiuzhaigou National Park, China by Breck Bartholomew Death Valley mud by Breck Bartholomew Death Valley Racetrack by Breck Bartholomew

Miscellaneous photographs

Skeletal man walking his dinosaur statue by Breck Bartholomew Cat on a puzzle by Lois Bartholomew